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The charm of chewing words, seeing the nameplate teaches you to choose the power supply easily.

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The meaning of this little joke is very simple, but it can also inspire us. With a little bit of effort to study the details, we can be more efficient when choosing products.

The teacher asked the students to give an example of being illiterate. The student said: "For example, if the fly is not illiterate, it will not fall on the adhesive tape that clearly says the word "flying paper".

The role of the power supply in the host is still very important.

The meaning of this little joke is very simple, but it can also inspire us. With a little bit of effort to study the details, we can be more efficient when choosing products, that is, the so-called sharpening is not a mistake.

Power selection also has tips

Many friends don't know about the power of the host. Your products are over budget. It's too cheap to ensure that the quality is easy to damage the hardware. So many friends also need a convenient way to choose reliable products. The author will teach you how to pass the parameters. The nameplate chooses the right power for you.